I am Nathalie Wachotsch
- psychological counselor in trauma therapy (training with Brigitte Koch-Kersten at the GAP Kassel, Germany)
- NARM® Informed Professional – psychotherapeutic approach to coping with developmental and attachment trauma, stressful experiences and their consequences, by Laurence Heller
- wait a second: do you care about degrees and educations I hold? why or why not?
- originally I studied sociology, psychology and political sciences (BA and MA), ended up in urban development, thirsty of philosophical-psycho-social exploration has remained, but left the academic world and big city life for good reasons, now exploring individual healing, trauma work and spiritual paths
I am a trauma-informed counselor and mentor, coach, podcaster (it is in German, sorry) and also a deeply spiritual soul – this means that for me there is more than just the tangible world and I believe that there is something before and after physical life. It also means to me that I living with a lot of profound questions such as: who am I or why did I came here?! You don’t have to resonate with that, but I make it a point to let you know my worldview a bit.
I am an extremely curious, creative, freedom-oriented and truth-seeking person. Truth mainly i the sense: who are we behind our survival strategies, wound-coping mechanism.
That’s what brought me to this point, to do this work that I really care and enjoy doing. Because I enjoy bringing people into contact with themselves in an honest, open, emotional and clear way, awakening their self-agency and aliveness. I am passionate about the doors that open through honesty and vulnerability, loving playfulness and the curious exploration of feelings of shame and guilt. The more awareness and the more we see new ways and can dissolve, integrate, fully feel, the more we can live in the here and now and from love we are.
I am German, speak fluent English and French.
Work with me (online)
Curiosity is the antidote to self-deprecation: Who are you behind the strategies and protection? What exactly is your resistance about? What is the unanswered need behind the defense? Let’s find out together.
I address all levels in the counseling: Thoughts, feelings, body, soul and systemic aspects. My heart’s desire is to accompany you into your self agency, liveliness, authentic bondaries and nourishing relationships. Old survival strategies, trauma consequences and inhibiting beliefs often prevent us from doing so.
Do you resonate with my way of working and would you like support? Then let’s make an appointment. Before a session, I offer you the opportunity to get to know me and my way of working in a free 20-minute conversation, where you can ask me questions and we can see whether your concerns are right for me and whether we are a good fit.

1:1 session – individual work
Support in gentle trauma healing and nervous system work: attitude of curiosity, non-judgemental and appreciative exploratory orientation towards your experiences.
Shame and self-esteem: expand self-regulation in dealing with „painful or negative“ feelings, recognize emotional wounds and attachment injuries, clarify relationship with parents, setting boundaries, lovingly observe protective survival strategies, understand conflicting or ambivalent needs, learn to verbalize levels of experience and beeing honest in all kinds or relationships.
A individual session is 60min and costs 90€ – I also offer packages (5% reduction for 5 sessions, 6 with 6%, 7 with 7%…).
Contact me via: Nathalie @ alles-deine-schuld.de
If you dare to see and hear me in German 😉 here . . .
on Youtube: youtube.com/@nathaliewachotsch
2:1 session – tandem work
I also do 2:1 sessions, called Tandem and it is mini group counselling but less stressfull for your nervous system than bigger groups. Two strangers come to work with me, so there are three of us in the session. There is space for individual processes as well as for what comes up directly in contact with the other person. You learn to show yourself more and more freely, authentically and courageously in front of a third person and can feel safe thanks to my trauma-sensitive support.
You are mirrored and appreciated therapeutically by me on the one hand and in a way that is similar to everyday life by the third person – learning to be authentic with a stranger. You can share your triggers with the 3rd person and learn how to do this in a trauma-sensitive, healing and meaningful way (rupture & repair). You realize that you are not alone with your challenges, because you get direct insights into the experience of the 3rd person. You learn to listen, give space and learn directly and live through the emotional process of the other person how they master their inner challenges.
A tandem session is 90min and costs 60€ per person.